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Best Low-Carb, Sugar-Free Gifts for Your Diabetic Friends

We all have friends who love to receive gifts of decadent chocolates and indulge in delicious snacks at our parties and gatherings, but what happens when those friends are diabetic? Can we still share chocolates and other snacks with them? Of course we can! When we understand the differences between Type I and Type II Diabetes and what our friends need, we no longer have to worry about giving them gifts they can’t enjoy or that aren’t good for them.

Type I Diabetes

Let’s start by looking at Type I Diabetes. It’s classified as a genetic disorder that appears early on in life. Type I Diabetes is caused by the immune system attacking and destroying the beta cells of the pancreas, which produce insulin. Insulin helps sugar from the blood supply enter the cells of the body. If the body can’t produce enough insulin or doesn’t respond to it effectively, it can’t regulate its own blood sugar levels. Most people with Type I Diabetes take insulin shots or wear an insulin pump to regulate blood sugar levels so that the body can absorb the energy it needs to function.

People who have Type I Diabetes should eat foods lower in sugar, salt, and saturated fats. Some diabetics also look for ways to raise their blood sugar without having to take an insulin shot, which means they need snacks that are low-carb. Dark chocolate has been shown to affect blood sugar and insulin sensitivity in healthy ways. Our low-carb, sugar-free dark chocolate is a great gift choice for Type I diabetics.

Type II Diabetes

Both types share common symptoms, but Type II Diabetes doesn’t show up as early in life. Also referred to as “age onset diabetes,” Type II Diabetes is mostly related to a person’s diet and evolves over time. The Type II Diabetic still has trouble regulating blood sugar because of insulin resistance or the failure to produce enough insulin. It can be managed through controlled diet, exercise, weight loss, and medications and insulin therapy if needed.

The dietary needs of someone with Type II Diabetes are similar to those of someone with Type I Diabetes. Low-carb treats and those with less sodium and sugar are healthier choices. Give our low-carb, no-sugar-added milk chocolate snacks to friends and family.

When you are looking for sugar-free or low-sugar treats, Amber Lyn Chocolates crafts indulgent chocolates without sacrificing flavor and satisfaction. Visit our website to discover our fruit, nut, and low-net carb chocolate gifts for diabetics.