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How to Enjoy Holidays While You’re on a Diet

Going against the grain can be difficult, especially when you watch everyone around you indulge in fattening decadent foods while you are on a diet. Holidays are notorious for encouraging people to overeat. It’s easy to feel defeated and even give up during these trying times, but you will have a distinct advantage if you don’t. Did you know that Americans typically gain at least one pound during the time between November and February? That doesn’t sound like much, but when neglected or ignored, it adds up to significant weight gain over the years. That weight won’t sneak up on you and cause health problems later because you made the effort to avoid it in the first place.

There are a lot of other ways to make holidays fulfilling that don’t involve food and ways to modify what you do eat so that it is equally as satisfying. Here’s how:

  1. Remind yourself of your goals and why you need to achieve them – Holidays come and go quickly. Even if you do slip, it won’t result in total failure, but remembering that life is more than just a few special days here and there will help you keep your eyes on long-term results.
  2. Dress up plain foods with tasty healthy additions – No one wants to eat just lettuce and a few sparse veggies, but the inclusion of velvety heart-healthy avocado and low-calorie fresh mozzarella cheese can elevate a salad or veggie tray from boring to appetizing.
  3. Go potluck style – Your relatives and friends who support your efforts won’t mind if you bring your own low-carb snacks or low-fat foods.
  4. Be mindful of things that make you eat more – Stress eating can be caused by lack of sleep, decreased levels of physical activity, and dwelling on negative emotions. When you catch yourself doing it, it will be easier to stop or to sub in a healthier option.
  5. Make homemade foods healthier – Replace cooking oil with applesauce in cakes and brownies or low-fat yogurt for sour cream or mayonnaise. There are no hard and fast rules. Use what you like and what works with your diet plan. If it tastes good to you, and it helps you stick to your nutrition plan, that’s all that matters.
  6. Plan to allow yourself some treats too – You don’t have to go without while everyone else is eating fudge or chocolate covered cherries. There are plenty of low-carb, sugar-free snacks and sugar-free chocolates that are all natural and offer all the decadence without any of the deprivation.

Amber Lyn Chocolates uses all-natural, high-quality ingredients in their sugar-free and low net carb chocolates and treats. From creamy truffles to nut barks, chocolate covered nuts, and choices between milk and dark chocolate, you don’t have to resist any of them. Visit our website or one of our charming Utah locations to find just the right treat to satisfy your sweet tooth and your waistline.